COVID-19 Exposure Report Tool

David SawyerAccess Control, Physical Security Leave a Comment

Like all of you, we’ve been closely monitoring the developments surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and wondering, what can we do to help. Last month we reported on some security related products that may help businesses as they seek to formulate re-opening plans (thermal imaging cameras to detect higher body temperatures and a few other products). This month we want to report on a FREE application that works with many access control systems. It’s called Covid-19 Exposure Report Tool (CERT). CERT is a windows-based application that you connect to your Access Control System database. CERT can access card (or fob) user history to quickly identify cardholders that may have been in close physical proximity to another cardholder who has tested positive for COVID-19. Simply enter the unique identifier for the diagnosed cardholder, set the time threshold and/or dates you wish to run against and generate a report. The application will export a list of personnel that swiped their badge at the same reader(s) within a specified time period. The hope is that this data can be used to assist employers and health authorities to allow more targeted notifications of potential exposure. For example, you may want to only report on people using the same door up to 60 seconds before, but up to 1 hour after the known diagnosed person.