
David SawyerAccess Control, Physical Security Leave a Comment

Some call it piggybacking, others tailgating. Whatever you call it, it’s compromising your security. Whether you have an old fashioned lock and key or a fob reader with a magnetic lock, it’s there to keep unauthorized people out. Same thing goes for vehicle access systems such as gate arms or rolling gates. Only those presenting the proper credentials should be entering your building or garage.
If you were to time your entry into a building so that you are walking right behind someone with a key or a fob, how many times out of 10 attempts do you think the person you are following will hold the door for you? Would that number increase if you are carrying something and have the appearance of being in a hurry? What if you’re an older person or if you are a woman and the person in front of you is a gentleman?
It’s a little more difficult tailgating a car into a garage……sometimes. Often, the gate will close as soon as the first vehicle passes over a sensor on the inside and could cause damage to the 2nd vehicle. A properly designed system can make vehicle tailgating very difficult but another possible breach in security often occurs when the first driver presents an access card or fob and enters the garage. That driver then passes his card or fob to a 2nd driver who then uses it enter.
We don’t have any foolproof solutions but there are steps you can take to maximize security and make it more difficult for unauthorized people on foot or in vehicles to gain access to places they don’t belong. Sometimes, programming changes or software updates can enhance an existing system but the best place to start is at the design phase. Low tech solutions to tailgating or piggybacking include installing signs reminding people of the importance of security. Sometimes posting a guard for a few days to educate the “offenders” will help for a while. High tech solutions include turnstiles, mantraps, biometrics and various software options including reader pattern flow, anti-pass back and video analytics. Every situation presents its own challenges but the experts at Safer Places are ready to assist with selecting the right solutions for your situation.